Ask NOAA to Match Canada's Salmon and Killer Whale Recovery Plan
Overfishing, habitat loss and pollution are pushing Pacific salmon towards extinction; 2020 saw the lowest catch of Pacific salmon in 40 years. Marine life such as orcas rely on these fish, as do indigenous communities, but they’re mostly caught in commercial fisheries. So, Canada’s new plan to halt and reverse this crisis brings new hope to endangered orcas.
Why it Matters
On the other side of the border, the U.S. government has no such plan; opting to “learn more” with a wait-and-see approach—until the last fish is caught. Yet bold, difficult, and decisive action is needed now. The U.S. must match and reinforce Canada’s efforts to save Pacific salmon, and offer a future for starving orcas who are dependent on them.
Take Action
Ask the U.S. government to match Canada's plan to prevent Pacific salmon extinction, and help save endangered killer whales.
Take Action
Ms. Jenni Wallace
Deputy Director
NOAA Fisheries Office of Sustainable Fisheries
The Southern Resident killer whales are struggling for survival due to insufficient Chinook salmon. Yet fishing continues from Alaska to California despite the risk of catching endangered Chinook. 97% of Chinook caught in the Southeast Alaska fishery originate in rivers from B.C. to Oregon, threatening the future of these salmon, and predators in the ecosystem that rely on them.
Canada’s Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative recognizes that business as usual is unsustainable, and commits to significantly reducing commercial fishing to save salmon, starting 2021 season. The U.S. must match Canada’s plan if we are to prevent the extinction of Chinook and the endangered Southern Resident killer whales.
(301) 427-8500
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Deputy Director Wallace
Office of Sustainable Fisheries
NOAA Fisheries
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Sample Script
Hello, I’m calling today with a message for Deputy Director Wallace.
My name is ___________ and I am a resident of _________ state.
I’m alarmed that the endangered Southern Resident killer whales are unable to find enough Chinook salmon to survive, and that these salmon are also in trouble, with many at risk of extinction.
The Canadian government has announced a plan to save Pacific salmon before it’s too late.
So, as a matter of urgency, I’m asking the US government to match this plan to save Chinook salmon, and the killer whales that rely on them.
Thank you.
Mailing Address
Jenni Wallace – Deputy Director
NOAA Office of Sustainable Fisheries
1315 East-West Highway
13th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Dear Ms. Wallace,
I am alarmed that the Southern Resident killer whales are struggling for survival. In 2005, when they were listed as Endangered, there were 88 whales. Today there are far fewer, with their main prey, Chinook salmon, also on the Endangered Species list.
As the Deputy Director for the Office of Sustainable Fisheries, I urge you to consider mirroring Canada’s new Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative, that seeks to halt and reverse the decline of Pacific salmon before it’s too late.
NOAA Fisheries could limit the Chinook catch, yet fishing continues despite the endangered status of killer whales and their prey. Canada’s plan recognizes that “business as usual” is unsustainable, and will significantly reduce commercial fishing to save Pacific salmon, starting 2021 with a 60% reduction in its fleet.
Yet, salmon travel hundreds of miles to feed, and only a fraction of Chinook caught in the south-east Alaska fishery are from Alaskan rivers—the majority would otherwise migrate back to spawn in BC, Washington and Oregon rivers, first passing through Southern Residents’ feeding areas.
Without joined-up policies between our two governments, Canada’s plan—to save salmon, and the endangered whales that depend on them—is put at risk. The U.S. must now step up with a match plan, and take similar difficult, but decisive actions.
Pacific salmon support wildlife, indigenous communities, fisheries and tourism, and saving them will also save the iconic Southern Resident killer whales from extinction.
Key Talking Points
Customize your letter with these additional options.
- Time is running out for the Southern Resident killer whales. Immediate action is needed if we are to save them from extinction.
- Insufficient food is preventing the endangered Southern Residents from raising healthy calves to grow the population. The best available science shows lack of Chinook salmon is the No. 1 threat.
- Fisheries from Alaska to California are removing Chinook salmon vital to the survival of this endangered population. Few fishing seasons remain to save them from extinction.
- Canada has announced sweeping fishery reforms to halt the alarming decline of Pacific salmon. Coupled with protections of key orca foraging areas, they're leading the way to save Pacific salmon, and endangered orcas. We must join them.
- Canada’s Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative commits to significantly reduce commercial fishing. Yet they cannot be successful when salmon range widely in the Pacific, and those from home rivers from Oregon to BC are caught in Alaska fisheries.
- Pacific salmon travel hundreds of miles to find food, yet fisheries are managed based on their home river. With dramatic declines of Pacific salmon, a radical rethink in policy must occur before it's too late.
The Canadian Plan
Canada’s “Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative” begins with an important first step—to drastically reduce fishing immediately, to give salmon a break so their populations can recover. In 2021, 60% of the commercial fishing fleet is grounded, and a voluntary buy-out scheme will reduce the size of the fleet in subsequent years. In addition, fishing is off-limits in areas where endangered orcas are known to hunt Chinook (King) salmon, the species they rely on year-round for survival.
The United States Plan
In 2020, U.S. salmon fishery managers voted to restrict fishing in order to leave more Chinook for endangered orcas—but ONLY in years when the season’s catch is expected to be small. Yet despite 2020 being one of the worst years on record, salmon fisheries in the U.S. Pacific in 2021 went ahead as usual—offering nothing additional for hungry orcas—despite evidence that lack of Chinook salmon is responsible for too many deaths, and too few births in their community.
Give Killer Whales a Fair Share of the Catch
The Southern Resident killer whales need to find 900 Pacific Chinook salmon a day to feed their community. However, salmon fisheries are managed for human consumption, with zero allocated for endangered whales, who are almost completely dependent on Chinook for survival.
Why it Matters
When the Southern Resident killer whales were listed as Endangered in 2005, there were 88 members of the community – today there are only 74 (including 3 young calves). Without a reliable source of wild Pacific Chinook salmon, this community with their unique culture and language will be lost forever.
Take Action
Ask NOAA Fisheries to allocate a share of the Chinook salmon fishery catch to endangered Southern Resident killer whales.
Take Action
Dr. Scott Rumsey
Acting Regional Administrator
West Coast Region - NOAA Fisheries
The Southern Resident killer whales are struggling for survival due to low abundance of chinook salmon throughout their range from Washington to California.
NOAA Fisheries has the authority to manage salmon fisheries to help recover this endangered population, and so I respectfully request that you urgently allocate them a share of the West Coast Chinook salmon fishery to prevent their extinction.
Sample Script
Hello, I’m calling today with a message for Action Administrator Rumsey.
My name is _______ and I am a resident of ______ state.
I’m alarmed that the endangered Southern Resident killer whales are unable to find sufficient Chinook salmon throughout their range.
As a matter of urgency, I’m asking that you allocate them a share of the annual West Coast Chinook fishery,
They need wild Chinook salmon to survive and to raise their calves to grow this fragile population. Without a fair share of the catch, their community simply cannot survive.
Please prevent the extinction of this unique culture by taking action now.
Thank you.
Mailing Address
Acting Regional Administrator Rumsey
NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region
1201 NE Lloyd Boulevard, Ste. 1100
Portland, OR 97232
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Dear Acting Administrator Rumsey,
I am alarmed that the Southern Resident killer whales are struggling for survival due to lack of wild Chinook salmon throughout their range. As the Administrator for NOAA Fisheries, West Coast Region, I respectfully request that you allocate them a portion of the annual Chinook salmon fishery, until spawning grounds and other key salmon habitats are restored for the benefit of all that rely on them – from tribes and coastal communities, to endangered marine mammals.
In 2005, Southern Resident killer whales were listed under the Endangered Species Act when the population stood at 88. Over the last 15 years – on your watch – this population has further declined to 74 today. In fact, due to insufficient Chinook, 69% of detected pregnancies have failed at, or before birth. This malnutrition is making them more susceptible to infectious disease, and to the negative effects of pollution, and vessels.
Commercial and recreational fisheries continue to fish for wild Chinook, with a catch limit set each year, as well as an allocation to tribes. However, these whales – the original fishers of Chinook – are not allocated their fair share.
At NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region, you are “committed to conserving and protecting, using science-based conservation and management.” I ask that you now use the best available science that shows the Southern Residents are failing to find sufficient Chinook salmon to support their community, and remedy this immediately by allocating them a share of the West Coast Chinook salmon catch. The extinction of this unique culture is preventable if we take action now.
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Amendment 21 is a good first step in acknowledging the needs of the Southern Resident killer whales when setting catch limits. However, urgent action is needed now to ensure these whales have access to sufficient Chinook salmon to raise healthy calves, and to support prime breeding-age adults. This population is smaller now than when listed as endangered.
NOAA Fisheries new diet study when coupled with previous studies shows Chinook are essential to the Southern Resident killer whales year-round. Amendment 21 is a first step towards ensuring the needs of these whales are taken into account in low abundance years. However, NOAA must take additional steps now to reduce fishing to ensure more Chinook are available to endangered killer whales, and not wait for a crisis.
I support the intent of Amendment 21, that is to leave more salmon for the Southern Resident killer whales in years of low Chinook abundance. But it’s only a first step towards meeting their needs. It’s imperative to recover this endangered species, and save wild Chinook which, as your own recently-published diet study shows, is essential to these orcas year-round.
The needs of the Southern Resident killer whales must be considered when setting annual catch limits. Amendment 21 is the first step towards giving the whales a seat at the table, especially in years of low abundance. I urge you to accept this change, and use all means necessary to safeguard the future of this endangered population—to ensure sufficient Chinook year-round now, as proven essential in your recently published study.
Key Talking Points
Customize your letter with these additional options.
- Time is running out for the Southern Resident killer whales.
- Immediate action is needed if we are to save these whales from extinction.
- Insufficient food is preventing these whales from raising healthy calves to grow the population.
- The best available science shows that lack of salmon is the number one threat to these endangered whales.
- Fisheries from Washington to California are removing Chinook salmon vital to the survival of this endangered population.
- Few fishing seasons remain to give these starving families their fair share of the catch.
Killer Whales & Salmon
Chinook (aka King) is the largest of the Pacific salmon. They co-evolved with the unique and diverse wildlife of the Pacific Northwest, including fish-eating orcas like the Southern Residents. But today, wild Pacific salmon populations are in trouble from British Columbia to California.
Overfishing over the last 100 years – together with other human impacts – has decimated this once abundant species, also dramatically reducing their size and weight. Today the total number of wild Chinook in the Pacific Northwest is a fraction of historic levels. Evidence shows that in years when wild Chinook populations decline, so do the Southern Residents.
The Greatest Threat
Lack of Chinook salmon is responsible for a pregnancy failure rate of 69%, with calves dying before, at, or shortly after birth. Mothers struggle to raise their surviving calves, with insufficient food for the two of them. This malnutrition causes the whole community to be more susceptible to infectious disease, and to the negative effects of pollution and vessels.
Commercial and recreational fisheries continue to catch Chinook salmon, as do tribes – with their own allocation. However, these killer whales – the original fishers of Chinook – are not allocated a share of the annual catch. If we’re to save them from extinction, we must give them a fair share.